Landscape with Sun Shining through the Morning Fog


Morrison “Mo” Fenner

Senior Pastor

Pastor Morrison ”Mo” Fenner was born in 1956, on Larson Air Force Base, WA. He had many influences in his life. Since his Father was career US Air Force, he moved all over the country. His parents divorced when he was eight and he moved to Texas with his Mother and Grandparents in 1966. In 1971, he dropped out of high school in the Dallas, Texas area. His Father convinced him to return to school in 1973 and he moved to England in 1974. He graduated from Lakenheath American High School in Lakenheath, England in 1976. He enlisted in the Army immediately after High School and received training as an Interrogator and Intelligence Analyst.

Mo was encouraged to apply to the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY and In 1978, he entered the four year program at West Point. At that time, he was introduced to the Cadet Honor Code: “A Cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate those who do” and that code became a guiding force in his life. In his junior year, Mo had a life changing event that led to being saved and coming to the Lord. Upon his confirmation and acceptance as Jesus as his savior, Mo’s minister, Father Tom Devery, tasked Mo to use his childhood experiences to help and guide other young adults. The many trials and tests of West Point led Mo to one of his favorite Bibles verses: 1Cor10:13 “Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.” Upon graduation from West Point in 1982, Mo was commissioned as a combat arms officer. Colonel Fenner had five tours to combat zones and visited over 40 countries in service to our country before he retired from the Army in 2011. He is also trained as a Suicide Counselor and Nationally Certified as a Victim Advocate for Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Victims.

In 2010, Mo met Jo Ann Malgieri and they received a prophecy to start a church. After retiring from the Army Mo began studying Pastoral Counseling at Liberty University and he was ordained in 2011. In 2011, Pastor Mo became the Chaplain for the Post 284, American Legion Riders, Southern Virginia Chapter. In fulfillment of a prophecy, Mo and Jo Ann bought the Weldon Capps Farm in 2016 and started plans for a Church, a Christian Child Care Center, and a Retreat Center. n 2016, The Trinity Church of Manson was approved as a 501 (C)3 non profit and was incorporated as a nondenominational Christian Church.

Joshua 24:15 “As for my family and me, we will serve the Lord”

Jo Ann Malgieri-Fenner

Inspirational Leader

Jo Ann is our Vice President, Co-Founder and Evangelist. She has felt the call of Jesus Christ on her life since she was very young. The culmination of her spiritual journey and education had led her to a “born again” experience in 1996. Since that time Jo Ann has sought out the will of God in her daily life and in raising her children.

In her later years Jo Ann has dedicated her works and deeds to the Lord and His will to spread the good news. Her calling is to be instrumental in the spiritual experience of others within her reach. She is especially dedicated to women’s and children’s programs seeking out the lost and lonely and giving them the hope of Jesus Christ.

Jo Ann is a certified family nurse practitioner working in hospice care and a retired Colonel having served 28 years in the Army National Guard.

Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

Diane Cannon

Creative Director

Diane spent many years as an engineering designer who left her career to pursue studies in more personal health and spiritual work. She went on to study, and has obtained degrees and certifications, in modalities such as the martial Art of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Meditation, Chi Kung, Shiatsu energy bodywork, herbal studies and Sound Healing. She made this shift in her ministry when in her meditations she kept hearing the words, “ May I diminish so He may increase within me.” John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease”.

As Diane continued to be open and listen to the guidance she was sensing from the Lord, it became more and more obvious that she was pulling from her experience in all these areas as a way to enhance her prayer life, praise & worship, and healing. Her desire to share this experience, strength, and hope grew stronger.

In early 2020, she made a decision to sell her home, most of her belongings. A year later, that decision came to fruition, and Diane and her husband joined Trinity in the mission to win souls and help lead them into the light of Christ’s consciousness. She has never looked back, and is excited to unite with people searching for God in their hearts and lives.

Diane feels blessed and grateful to have found a dedicated group of people at Trinity that reaches beyond the walls of a traditional “church”. At Trinity, she has found a home that acknowledges the priest, prophet, and king in all of us, and brings the Lord into all we do!

Matthew 16:21
“Jesus said to them, ‘If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me.’”

Don Franklin

Music Director

Don pursued music from a very early age; playing guitar and piano and vocals. His studies in classical guitar really expanded his musical horizons. As he began playing in folk and rock bands, his experience led him to over 25 years as a professional musician in various locations in the country.

After recording two albums with his wife and an instrumental album with his son, Don found his music moving more towards devotion to the Lord. This inspiration led to Don recording an album of devotional music inspired by his growing pursuit of his desire to be close to the Lord and movement towards his love of Christ.

Since his involvement with Trinity Church, Don has come to know how important and powerful the music of praise and worship is to the growth of the spirit. His prayers and intentions are that his musical ministry at Trinity Church will contribute to bringing more folks to Christ.